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They are born​
They grow up​
They eat​
They breathe​
They reproduce​
They die

·         Their internal skeleton:

Vertebrates: With internal skeleton ( dog, elephant, snake...)

​​Invertebrates: without internal skeleton (worm, ant, crab)​​​

·         How they are born:

Viviparous: they are born from their mother´s womb (cat, bear...)

Oviparous: they are born from eggs ( frog, lizard, birds...)

·         How they feed themselves: 

Carnivores: They eat other animals (lion, eagle...)

Herbivores: They eat leaves, fruit, plants...(rabbit, horse...)

Omnivores: They eat meat,grass,plants... (carnivores & herbivores (bear,panda...)

·         How they breathe:

Lungs- Ex.: Many terrestrial animals 

Trachea- Ex.: Insects

Gills- Ex.: Fish, aquatic animals

  How they move: 

Animals can move from one place to another .

They can fly (birds)
They can swim (fish)
They can walk (elephants)
They can slither (snakes)
Where they live:

Terrestrial animals

Aquatic animals




trachea                                      gills


There are different classes of animals depending on:

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